This is a site about the Bible, culture and philosophy. New content is being added all the time.

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What difference does being a Christian make to my university work? What should Christian students and faculty pray? What books should I read to help me think through my discipline from a Christian perspective?

Here you will find posts to help you to think through these questions and more.

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Courses and seminars

Explore aspects of theology, philosophy and being a Christian academic with these seminars, training sessions and full online video course.

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Thinking Through the Bible book series

The Thinking Through the Bible series explores the repeated patterns of the Bible along with its overall narrative shape to generate a series of tools for cultural critique. The aim is to dive deeply into the Bible in order to draw out fresh, faithful, sensitive and constructive interventions into important social and intellectual debates.

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Philosophy and Theology

Posts on the relationship between philosophy and theology, seeking to bring together a careful reading of modern European philosophers with a rich engagement with specific biblical passages and themes, and with Christian theologians. Audi alteram partem.

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Audio and video

Find audio and video recordings of Chris’s broadcasts, podcasts, talks, seminars and training sessions related to Christianity, culture and worldview.

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Book excerpts

Read excerpts from Chris’s books on theology, philosophy and Western culture, ranging from paragraphs to entire chapters.

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Reflections on philosophical unbelief, from Difficult Atheism and elsewhere.

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Thinking Tools

How does the Bible think? What are the distinctive patterns and moves that characterise it? How does the Bible’s story-line provide ways to think about life, society and values?
What are the repeated moves made in contemporary culture across diverse fields and debates?
These posts seek to discern these characteristic biblical and cultural moves, so that you can address and explore them in your own thinking.

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Join me as I read and blog through key texts in theology, philosophy and culture.
Comment and add your own reflections.

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